Thursday, May 14, 2009

EnteroLab -- Gluten Gene Test for Celiac Gene(s) and/or Gluten Senstive Gene(s)

We had our two oldest children tested for the celiac genes and gluten sensitive genes. The gene test is done via cotton swap in the mouth. Our oldest had a celiac gene and a gluten sensitive gene. Our son had two gluten sensitive genes. My husband had a celiac gene blood test done and he had the celiac gene. He also has to have a gluten sensitive gene too since our son has two gluten sensitive genes. We still need to have our youngest daughter tested but I suspect she has two celiac genes. Dr. Fine at Enterolab states that if you have one gluten sensitive gene or celiac gene, you should be gluten free so you won't damage your intestines. On their site it states if you have more than one gene then you will have more digestive problems. I know I feel so much better. I'm hardly ever constipated and I usually never have diarrhea (which was quite often and it was very painful).

It is always a good idea to know if you have one or more genes (for celiac and/or gluten sensitivity). To get tested for these genes, go to
EnteroLab. (They also do other tests too.)


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